While acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain, it is also helpful for many conditions in which pain is not primary, including a wide variety of chronic conditions. It can be used for almost any physical or emotional problem, or simply the desire to stay well. People from all walks of life use acupuncture for many different reasons. People who might   particularly benefit include those:

  • Involved in Car Accidents
  • With chronic pain or other symptoms not responding to traditional treatment
  • For whom there are limited medical interventions, as with acute viral infections, nutritional and metabolic disorders, chronic degenerative diseases, allergies and auto-immune diseases, arthritis, hypertension, psychosomatic diseases, and certain mental conditions, such as depression or anxiety
  • Who feel as if something is “wrong” even though tests are inconclusive
  • Whose symptoms seem to be associated with or worsened by stress (asthma, migraines, etc.)
  • Who would like additional support for their prescribed treatment to help cope with side-effects or to improve vitality (to help with side effects of chemotherapy, for example)
  • Who are in basic good health and want to facilitate their well-being and prevent illness.